Source code for ashpy.trainers.classifier

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"""Primitive Trainer Interface."""

import os

import tensorflow as tf

from ashpy.contexts.classifier import ClassifierContext
from ashpy.datasets import wrap
from ashpy.metrics import ClassifierLoss
from ashpy.trainers.base_trainer import BaseTrainer

[docs]class ClassifierTrainer(BaseTrainer): r""":py:class:`ClassifierTrainer` provide the standard training loop for a classifier."""
[docs] def __init__( self, model, optimizer, loss, epochs, metrics=None, logdir=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "log"), global_step=tf.Variable(0, name="global_step", trainable=False, dtype=tf.int64), post_process_callback=None, ): r""" Instantiate the :py:class:`ClassifierTrainer` trainer. Args: model (:py:class:`tf.keras.Model`): A :py:class:`tf.keras.Model` model. optimizer (:py:class:`tf.optimizers.Optimizer`): A :py:class:`tf.optimizers.Optimizer`. loss (:obj:`callable`): A loss function built following :py:mod:`tf.losses`. epochs (int): Number of training epochs. metrics: (List): List of python objects (dictionaries or tf.metrics objects) to measure on training and validation data. logdir (str): Checkpoint and log directory. global_step: tf.Variable that keeps track of the training steps. post_process_callback(:obj:`callable`): the function to postprocess the model output, if needed. Examples: .. testcode:: import shutil import operator from ashpy.metrics import ClassifierMetric from ashpy.trainers.classifier import ClassifierTrainer from ashpy.losses.classifier import ClassifierLoss def toy_dataset(): inputs = tf.expand_dims(tf.range(1, 1000.0), -1) labels = tf.expand_dims( [1 if tf.equal(tf.math.mod(tf.squeeze(i), 2), 0) else 0 for i in inputs], -1 ) return, labels)).shuffle(10).batch(2) model = tf.keras.Sequential( [tf.keras.layers.Dense(10, activation=tf.nn.sigmoid), tf.keras.layers.Dense(2)] ) optimizer = tf.optimizers.Adam(1e-3) loss = ClassifierLoss(tf.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True)) logdir = "testlog" epochs = 2 metrics = [ ClassifierMetric(tf.metrics.Accuracy()), ClassifierMetric(tf.metrics.BinaryAccuracy()), ] trainer = ClassifierTrainer(model, optimizer, loss, epochs, metrics, logdir=logdir) train, validation = toy_dataset(), toy_dataset() trainer(train, validation) shutil.rmtree(logdir) .. testoutput:: Initializing checkpoint. [500] Saved checkpoint: testlog/ckpts/ckpt-1 Epoch 1 completed. [1000] Saved checkpoint: testlog/ckpts/ckpt-2 Epoch 2 completed. """ super().__init__( epochs=epochs, logdir=logdir, global_step=global_step, post_process_callback=post_process_callback, ) self._model = model self._optimizer = optimizer self._loss = loss self._loss.reduction = tf.keras.losses.Reduction.NONE self._avg_loss = ClassifierLoss() if metrics: metrics.append(self._avg_loss) else: metrics = [self._avg_loss] for metric in metrics: metric.logdir = self._logdir self._metrics = metrics self._ckpt.objects.extend([self._optimizer, self._model]) self._restore_or_init() self._context = ClassifierContext( classifier_model=self._model, log_eval_mode=self._log_eval_mode, global_step=self._global_step, ckpt=self._ckpt, )
[docs] def train_step(self, features, labels): """ Train step. Args: features: Input features. labels: The labels. Returns: Loss value. """ with tf.GradientTape() as tape: loss = self._loss( self._context, features=features, labels=labels, training=True ) gradients = tape.gradient(loss, self._model.trainable_variables) self._optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, self._model.trainable_variables)) return loss
[docs] @tf.function def _train_step(self, example): """The training step that uses the distribution strategy.""" per_replica_loss = self._distribute_strategy.experimental_run_v2( self.train_step, args=(example[0], example[1]) ) return self._reduce(per_replica_loss, tf.distribute.ReduceOp.SUM)
[docs] def _measure_performance(self, dataset): """Measure and log metrics on the dataset.""" context = ClassifierContext( self._model, self._loss, dataset, self._metrics, log_eval_mode=self._log_eval_mode, global_step=self._global_step, ckpt=self._ckpt, ) context.measure_metrics() context.model_selection() self._log_metrics_and_reset()
[docs] def call(self, train_set, validation_set): """ Start the training. Args: train_set (:py:obj:``): Training dataset. validation_set (:py:obj:``): Validation dataset. """ current_epoch = self._current_epoch() self._update_global_batch_size(train_set, self._loss) with self._eval_summary_writer.as_default(): self._measure_performance(validation_set) # need to use the global batch size in the training set train_set = wrap( train_set.unbatch().batch( self._global_batch_size, drop_remainder=tf.distribute.has_strategy() ) ) with self._train_summary_writer.as_default(): for epoch in tf.range(current_epoch, self._epochs): distribute_dataset = self._distribute_strategy.experimental_distribute_dataset( train_set ) for example in distribute_dataset: loss = self._train_step(example) self._global_step.assign_add(1) if tf.equal(tf.math.mod(self._global_step, 10), 0): tf.print(f"[{self._global_step.numpy()}] loss: {loss}") self._measure_performance( self._dataset_from_example(example, (1, 1)).batch( self._global_batch_size ) ) self._log("input_x", example[0]) self._log("input_y", example[1]) self._epoch_completed(epoch + 1) with self._eval_summary_writer.as_default(): self._measure_performance(validation_set)