Source code for ashpy.trainers.classifier

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"""Primitive Trainer Interface."""

import os
from typing import List, Optional

import ashpy
import tensorflow as tf
from ashpy.callbacks import Callback
from ashpy.contexts.classifier import ClassifierContext
from ashpy.datasets import wrap
from ashpy.metrics import Metric
from ashpy.metrics.classifier import ClassifierLoss
from ashpy.trainers.trainer import Trainer

__ALL__ = ["ClassifierTrainer"]

[docs]class ClassifierTrainer(Trainer): r""":py:class:`ClassifierTrainer` provide the standard training loop for a classifier.""" ckpt_id_model: str = "model" ckpt_id_optimizer: str = "optimizer"
[docs] def __init__( self, model: tf.keras.models.Model, optimizer: tf.optimizers.Optimizer, loss: ashpy.losses.ClassifierLoss, epochs: int, metrics: Optional[List[Metric]] = None, callbacks: Optional[List[Callback]] = None, logdir: str = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "log"), global_step: Optional[tf.Variable] = None, ): r""" Instantiate the :py:class:`ClassifierTrainer` trainer. Args: model (:py:class:`tf.keras.Model`): A :py:class:`tf.keras.Model` model. optimizer (:py:class:`tf.optimizers.Optimizer`): A :py:class:`tf.optimizers.Optimizer`. loss (:obj:`ashpy.losses.classifier.ClassifierLoss`): A loss function built following :py:mod:`ashpy.executors``. epochs (int): Number of training epochs. metrics: (List): List of :py:class:`ashpy.metrics.metric.Metric` to measure on training and validation data. callbacks (List): List of :py:class:`ashpy.callbacks.callback.Callback` to to call on events logdir (str): Checkpoint and log directory. global_step (Optional[py:class:`tf.Variable`]): tf.Variable that keeps track of the training steps. Examples: .. testcode:: import operator import shutil import pathlib from ashpy.metrics import ClassifierMetric from ashpy.trainers.classifier import ClassifierTrainer from ashpy.losses.classifier import ClassifierLoss def toy_dataset(): inputs = tf.expand_dims(tf.range(1, 1000.0), -1) labels = tf.expand_dims( [1 if tf.equal(tf.math.mod(tf.squeeze(i), 2), 0) else 0 for i in inputs], -1 ) return, labels)).shuffle(10).batch(2) model = tf.keras.Sequential( [tf.keras.layers.Dense(10, activation=tf.nn.sigmoid), tf.keras.layers.Dense(2)] ) optimizer = tf.optimizers.Adam(1e-3) loss = ClassifierLoss(tf.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True)) logdir = "testlog" epochs = 2 if pathlib.Path(logdir).exists(): shutil.rmtree(logdir) metrics = [ ClassifierMetric(tf.metrics.Accuracy()), ClassifierMetric(tf.metrics.BinaryAccuracy()), ] trainer = ClassifierTrainer(model=model, optimizer=optimizer, loss=loss, epochs=epochs, metrics=metrics, logdir=logdir) train, validation = toy_dataset(), toy_dataset() trainer(train, validation) shutil.rmtree(logdir) .. testoutput:: Initializing checkpoint. Starting epoch 1. [500] Saved checkpoint: testlog/ckpts/ckpt-1 Epoch 1 completed. Starting epoch 2. [1000] Saved checkpoint: testlog/ckpts/ckpt-2 Epoch 2 completed. Training finished after 2 epochs. """ super().__init__( epochs=epochs, logdir=logdir, global_step=global_step, callbacks=callbacks, example_dim=(1, 1), ) self._model = model self._optimizer = optimizer self._loss = loss self._loss.reduction = tf.keras.losses.Reduction.NONE self._avg_loss = ClassifierLoss(name="ashpy/avg_loss") if metrics: metrics.append(self._avg_loss) else: metrics = [self._avg_loss] super()._update_metrics(metrics) super()._validate_metrics() ckpt_dict = { self.ckpt_id_optimizer: self._optimizer, self.ckpt_id_model: self._model, } self._update_checkpoint(ckpt_dict) self._restore_or_init() self._context = ClassifierContext( classifier_model=self._model, loss=self._loss, metrics=self._metrics, log_eval_mode=self._log_eval_mode, global_step=self._global_step, checkpoint=self._checkpoint, )
[docs] def train_step(self, features, labels): """ Train step. Args: features: Input features. labels: The labels. Returns: Loss value. """ with tf.GradientTape() as tape: loss = self._loss( self._context, features=features, labels=labels, training=True ) gradients = tape.gradient(loss, self._model.trainable_variables) self._optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, self._model.trainable_variables)) return loss
[docs] @tf.function def _train_step(self, example): """Perform the training step using the distribution strategy.""" per_replica_loss = self._distribute_strategy.experimental_run_v2( self.train_step, args=(example[0], example[1]) ) return self._reduce(per_replica_loss, tf.distribute.ReduceOp.SUM)
[docs] def call( self, training_set:, validation_set:, log_freq: int = 10, measure_performance_freq: int = 10, ): """ Start the training. Args: training_set (:py:obj:``): Training dataset. validation_set (:py:obj:``): Validation dataset. log_freq (int): Specifies how many steps to run before logging the losses, e.g. `log_frequency=10` logs every 10 steps of training. Pass `log_frequency<=0` in case you don't want to log. measure_performance_freq (int): Specifies how many steps to run before measuring the performance, e.g. `measure_performance_freq=10` measures performance every 10 steps of training. Pass `measure_performance_freq<=0` in case you don't want to measure performance. """ # set the context properties self._context.training_set = training_set self._context.validation_set = validation_set current_epoch = self._current_epoch() self._update_global_batch_size(training_set, self._loss) # measure performance on the validation set with self._eval_summary_writer.as_default(): self._context.dataset = validation_set self._measure_performance() # need to use the global batch size in the training set training_set = wrap( training_set.unbatch().batch( self._global_batch_size, drop_remainder=tf.distribute.has_strategy() ) ) with self._train_summary_writer.as_default(): # notify on train start self._on_train_start() for _ in tf.range(current_epoch, self._epochs): distribute_dataset = self._distribute_strategy.experimental_distribute_dataset( training_set ) # notify on epoch start self._on_epoch_start() for example in distribute_dataset: self._context.current_batch = self.local_example(example, (1, 1)) # notify on batch start self._on_batch_start() # perform training step loss = self._train_step(example) # increase global step self._global_step.assign_add(1) # log loss if needed if log_freq > 0 and tf.equal( tf.math.mod(self._global_step, log_freq), 0 ): tf.print(f"[{self._global_step.numpy()}] loss: {loss}") # measure performance # this can also be moved to on_batch_end self._measure_performance_if_needed( example, measure_performance_freq ) # notify on batch end self._on_batch_end() # notify on epoch end self._on_epoch_end() with self._eval_summary_writer.as_default(): self._context.dataset = validation_set self._measure_performance() # final callback self._on_train_end()