Source code for ashpy.trainers.trainer

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"""Primitive Trainer Interface."""

import json
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import tensorflow as tf
from ashpy.callbacks import Callback
from ashpy.contexts import Context
from ashpy.losses.executor import Executor
from ashpy.metrics import Metric
from ashpy.modes import LogEvalMode
from ashpy.utils.utils import validate_objects

__ALL__ = ["Trainer"]

[docs]class Trainer(ABC): r""":py:class:`Trainer` provide an interface for all trainers to inherit from.""" ckpt_id_global_step: str = "global_step" ckpt_id_steps_per_epoch: str = "steps_per_epoch" ckpt_id_callbacks: str = "callbacks"
[docs] def __init__( self, epochs: int, example_dim: Tuple[int, int], logdir: Union[Path, str] = Path().cwd() / "log", log_eval_mode: LogEvalMode = LogEvalMode.TEST, global_step: Optional[tf.Variable] = None, metrics: Optional[List[Metric]] = None, callbacks: Optional[List[Callback]] = None, ) -> None: r""" Primitive trainer interface. Handles model saving and restore. Args: epochs (int): Number of training epochs. example_dim (Tuple[int, int]): Dimension of an example. In the case of GANs the example has dimension (2,1) since it's composed by a tuple in which the first element is a tuple with 2 components and the second component is a single element. In the case of classifier the example has dimension (1, 1) since it's composed by the example and the label. logdir (str): Checkpoint and log directory. log_eval_mode (py:class:`ashpy.modes.LogEvalMode`) models' mode to use when evaluating and logging. global_step (Optional[py:class:`ashpy.modes.LogEvalMode`]): tf.Variable that keeps track of the training steps. metrics (Optional[List[:py:class:`ashpy.metrics.Metric`]]): list of metrics. callbacks (Optional[List[:py:class:`ashpy.callbacks.Callback`]]): list of callbacks to handle events. """ self._distribute_strategy = tf.distribute.get_strategy() self._context = Context() # set and validate metrics if metrics is None: metrics = [] self._metrics = metrics self._validate_metrics() # set and validate callbacks if callbacks is None: callbacks = [] self._callbacks: List[Callback] = callbacks self._validate_callbacks() self._epochs = epochs # global step must be created here # do not use tf.Variable as default argument # since tf.Variable are mutable # see # for more information # in short: default arguments are initialized at definition # time and not at call time if global_step is None: global_step = tf.Variable( 0, name="global_step", trainable=False, dtype=tf.int64 ) self._global_step = global_step self._steps_per_epoch = tf.Variable( -1, name="steps_per_epoch", trainable=False, dtype=tf.int64 ) ckpt_dict = { self.ckpt_id_global_step: self._global_step, self.ckpt_id_steps_per_epoch: self._steps_per_epoch, } if callbacks: for callback in callbacks: ckpt_dict[] = callback self._logdir = Path(logdir) if not isinstance(logdir, Path) else logdir self._ckpts_dir = self._logdir / "ckpts" self._ckpt_dict = None self._checkpoint_map: Dict[str, str] = {} self._checkpoints = None self._manager = None self._update_checkpoint(ckpt_dict) # NOTE: as of TensorFlow 2.1.0 pathlib types cannot be converted to tensors automatically. # Explicit conversion to string is required self._train_summary_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer( str(self._logdir / "train") ) self._eval_summary_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer( str(self._logdir / "eval") ) self._test_summary_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer( str(self._logdir / "test") ) # Initialize the global batch size to a negative number # This is used when a distribution strategy changes the batch size self._global_batch_size = -1.0 self._log_eval_mode = log_eval_mode self._example_dim = example_dim
@property def context(self) -> Context: """Return the training context.""" return self._context @context.setter def context(self, _context: Context): """ Set the context. Args: _context (:py:class:`ashpy.contexts.context.Context`): Context to set. """ self._context = _context
[docs] def _generate_checkpoint_map(self): """Generate a human readable map of the id and type mapping in the checkpoint.""" return {id: str(type(self._ckpt_dict[id])) for id in self._ckpt_dict}
def _write_checkpoint_map(self, path): with open(Path(path) / "checkpoint_map.json", "w") as fp: json.dump(self._checkpoint_map, fp)
[docs] @staticmethod def _check_name_collision(objects: List, obj_type: str): """Check that all objects have unique name.""" buffer: List[str] = [] for obj in objects: if in buffer: raise ValueError(f"{obj_type} should have unique names.") buffer.append(
[docs] def _validate_metrics(self): """Check if every metric is an :py:class:`ashpy.metrics.Metric`.""" validate_objects(self._metrics, Metric) self._check_name_collision(self._metrics, "Metric")
[docs] def _validate_callbacks(self): """Check if every callback is an :py:class:`ashpy.callbacks.Callback`.""" validate_objects(self._callbacks, Callback) self._check_name_collision(self._callbacks, "Callback")
def _update_metrics(self, metrics): if metrics: for metric in metrics: metric.logdir = self._logdir self._metrics = metrics
[docs] def _update_checkpoint(self, ckpt_dict): """Update the checkpoint with the new checkpoint dictionary.""" if not self._ckpt_dict: self._ckpt_dict = {} self._ckpt_dict.update(ckpt_dict) self._checkpoint_map = self._generate_checkpoint_map() self._checkpoint = tf.train.Checkpoint(**self._ckpt_dict) self._manager = tf.train.CheckpointManager( self._checkpoint, self._ckpts_dir, max_to_keep=3 )
[docs] def _update_global_batch_size( self, dataset:, executors: Optional[Union[List[Executor], Executor]] = None, ): """ Set the `self._global_batch_size` variable where needed. Args: dataset (:py:class:``): a dataset from which the batch size will be extracted. executors (Union[List[:py:class:`ashpy.losses.executor.Executor`], :py:class:`ashpy.losses.executor.Executor`]: a list of executor with the property "global_batch_size". """ sample = next(iter(dataset.take(1))) if isinstance(sample, tuple): if isinstance(sample[0], tuple): sample = sample[0] batch_size_per_replica = sample[0].shape[0] elif isinstance(sample, tf.Tensor): batch_size_per_replica = sample.shape[0] else: raise ValueError("Unable to extract the batch size from the dataset") self._global_batch_size = ( self._distribute_strategy.num_replicas_in_sync * batch_size_per_replica ) if executors: if isinstance(executors, list): for executor in executors: executor.global_batch_size = self._global_batch_size if isinstance(executors, Executor): executors.global_batch_size = self._global_batch_size
[docs] def _reduce(self, per_replica_tensor, reduce_op): """Reduce the input tensor in a distributed fashion, using the specified op.""" context = tf.distribute.get_replica_context() if context: return context.all_reduce(reduce_op, per_replica_tensor) return self._distribute_strategy.reduce( reduce_op, per_replica_tensor, axis=None )
[docs] def _restore_or_init(self): """Restore or initialize the persistence layer (checkpoint).""" if self._manager.latest_checkpoint: self._checkpoint.restore(self._manager.latest_checkpoint) print(f"Restored checkpoint {self._manager.latest_checkpoint}.") else: print("Initializing checkpoint.")
[docs] def _save(self): """Save the current checkpointable object status.""" checkpoint = self._write_checkpoint_map(self._ckpts_dir) # print is captured from pydoc - deterministic output can be used # to run tests. print(f"[{self._global_step.numpy()}] Saved checkpoint: {checkpoint}")
[docs] def _current_epoch(self) -> tf.Tensor: """ Get the current epoch using the (restored) variables. Returns: current_epoch (:py:class:`tf.Tensor`): the current epoch of training. """ current_epoch = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int64) if tf.math.greater(self._steps_per_epoch, tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int64)): current_epoch = tf.cast( tf.math.floor(self._global_step / self._steps_per_epoch), tf.int64 ) return current_epoch
[docs] def _log_metrics_and_reset(self): """Call for each metric the log and reset_states.""" step = self._global_step.numpy() for metric_obj in self._metrics: metric_obj.log(step=step) metric_obj.reset_states()
[docs] def measure_metrics(self) -> None: """Measure the metrics.""" for metric in self._metrics: metric.update_state(self._context)
[docs] def model_selection(self) -> None: """Use the metrics to perform model selection.""" for metric in self._metrics: model_selection_ckpt_path: Optional[Path] = metric.model_selection( self._checkpoint, self._global_step ) # If model selection has been performed if isinstance(model_selection_ckpt_path, Path): model_selection_ckpt_dir = model_selection_ckpt_path.parent # If we haven't already created the checkpoint_map.json if not (model_selection_ckpt_dir / "checkpoint_map.json").exists(): self._write_checkpoint_map(model_selection_ckpt_dir)
[docs] def _measure_performance_if_needed( self, example: tf.Tensor, measure_performance_freq: int ): """ Measure performance if needed. Measure performance if self._global_step % measure_performance_freq is 0. """ # measure performance if needed if measure_performance_freq > 0 and tf.equal( tf.math.mod(self._global_step, measure_performance_freq), 0 ): # setup context self._context.current_batch = self.local_example( example, dims=self._example_dim ) self._context.dataset = self._dataset_from_example( example, dims=self._example_dim ).batch(self._global_batch_size) # measure performance self._measure_performance()
[docs] def _measure_performance(self): """Measure performance on dataset.""" self.measure_metrics() self.model_selection() self._log_metrics_and_reset()
[docs] def _dataset_from_example(self, example, dims) -> """ Get a dataset from a given example. Returns: The dataset containing only the example. """ example = self.local_example(example, dims) return
[docs] def local_example(self, example, dims): """ Return a local example from a distributed example. Returns: A local example from a distributed example. """ columns = [] for idx, dim in enumerate(dims): if dim > 1: columns.append( tuple( tf.concat( self._distribute_strategy.experimental_local_results( example[idx][inner] ), axis=0, ) for inner in range(dim) ) ) else: columns.append( tf.concat( self._distribute_strategy.experimental_local_results( example[idx] ), axis=0, ) ) return tuple(columns)
[docs] @abstractmethod def call(self, *args, **kwargs): """Execute the training process."""
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Invoke the trainer.""" try:*args, **kwargs) except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt) as ex: self._context.exception = ex self._on_exception() raise ex
[docs] def _on_train_start(self) -> None: """Handle the start of training.""" for callback in self._callbacks: callback.on_train_start(self._context)
[docs] def _on_train_end(self) -> None: """Handle the end of training.""" print(f"Training finished after {self._current_epoch().numpy()} epochs.") for callback in self._callbacks: callback.on_train_end(self._context)
[docs] def _on_epoch_start(self) -> None: """Handle the start of the training epoch.""" print(f"Starting epoch {self._current_epoch().numpy() + 1}.") for callback in self._callbacks: callback.on_epoch_start(self._context)
[docs] def _on_epoch_end(self) -> None: """Handle the end of the training epoch.""" if tf.math.less(self._steps_per_epoch, 0): # only the first time, save the number of steps per epoch self._steps_per_epoch.assign(self._global_step) self._save() print(f"Epoch {self._current_epoch().numpy()} completed.") for callback in self._callbacks: callback.on_epoch_end(self._context)
[docs] def _on_batch_start(self) -> None: """Handle the start of a training batch.""" for callback in self._callbacks: callback.on_batch_start(self._context)
[docs] def _on_batch_end(self) -> None: """Handle the end of a training batch.""" for callback in self._callbacks: callback.on_batch_end(self._context)
[docs] def _on_exception(self) -> None: """Handle the exception.""" for callback in self._callbacks: callback.on_exception(self._context)