Source code for ashpy.losses.executor

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The Executor.

An object that, given an :py:class:`ashpy.contexts.BaseContext`, carries a
function and the way of executing it.
from __future__ import annotations

import abc
from typing import Callable, List, Union

import tensorflow as tf

[docs]class Executor: """Carry a function and the way of executing it. Given a context."""
[docs] def __init__(self, fn: tf.keras.losses.Loss = None) -> None: """ Initialize the Executor. Args: fn (:py:class:`tf.keras.losses.Loss`): A Keras Loss to execute. Returns: :py:obj:`None` """ if fn is not None: assert isinstance(fn, tf.keras.losses.Loss) self._fn = fn # We always work as in a strategy context self._fn.reduction = tf.keras.losses.Reduction.NONE self._distribute_strategy = tf.distribute.get_strategy() self._global_batch_size = -1 self._weight = lambda _: 1.0
@property def weight(self) -> Callable[..., float]: """ Return the loss weight. This weight is multiplied by the loss value. This is useful when working with multiples losses. Returns: :py:obj:`typing.Callable`: Callable returning the weight (:py:obj:`float`). """ return self._weight @property def fn(self) -> tf.keras.losses.Loss: # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Return the Keras loss function to execute. Returns: :py:obj:`tf.keras.losses.Loss`: Keras Loss. """ return self._fn
[docs] @staticmethod def reduce_loss(call_fn: Callable) -> Callable: """ Create a Decorator to reduce Losses. Used to simplify things. Apply a ``reduce sum`` operation to the loss and divide the result by the batch size. Args: call_fn (:py:obj:`typing.Callable`): The executor call method. Return: :py:obj:`typing.Callable`: The decorated function. """ # decorator definition def _reduce(self, *args, **kwargs): return tf.nn.compute_average_loss( call_fn(self, *args, **kwargs), global_batch_size=self._global_batch_size, # pylint: disable=protected-access ) return _reduce
@property def global_batch_size(self) -> int: """ Global batch size comprises the batch size for each cpu. Calculated as batch_size_for_replica*replica_numbers. Returns: :obj:`int`: Global Batch size value. """ return self._global_batch_size @global_batch_size.setter def global_batch_size(self, global_batch_size) -> None: r""" Set the `_global_batch_size` property. Args: global_batch_size (int): Global batch size. In the case of a distributed setup this is `batch_size on GPU * n. of GPUs`. Return: :py:obj:`None` """ assert global_batch_size > 0 self._global_batch_size = global_batch_size
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def call(self, context, **kwargs) -> tf.Tensor: r""" Execute the function, using the information provided by the context. Args: context (:py:class:`ashpy.contexts.BaseContext`): The function execution Context. Returns: :py:obj:`tf.Tensor`: Output Tensor. """
def __call__(self, context, **kwargs) -> tf.Tensor: r""" Invoke the function using the Context. Args: context (:py:class:`ashpy.contexts.BaseContext`): The function execution Context. Returns: :py:obj:`tf.Tensor`: Output Tensor. """ return self._weight(context.global_step) *, **kwargs) def __add__(self, other) -> SumExecutor: """Concatenate Executors together into a SumExecutor.""" if isinstance(other, SumExecutor): other_executors = other.executors else: other_executors = [other] all_executors = [self] + other_executors return SumExecutor(all_executors) def __mul__(self, other: Union[Callable[..., float], float, int, tf.Tensor]): """ Given current weight stored inside the Executor multiplies it by ``other``. Args: other (Either a :py:obj:`typing.Callable` or :obj:`float`, :obj:`int`, :py:class:`tf.Tensor`): The value (or function returning it) to use in the multiplication. """ assert isinstance(other, (float, int, tf.Tensor)) or callable(other) weight = self._weight if isinstance(other, (int, float, tf.Tensor)): _other: Union[int, float, tf.Tensor] = other self._weight = lambda step: weight(step) * _other else: __other: Callable[..., float] = other self._weight = lambda step: weight(step) * __other(step) return self def __rmul__(self, other): """See `__mul__` method.""" return self * other
[docs]class SumExecutor(Executor): """ The sum executor. Executes the call of each fn and weights the losses. Each Executor gets called (thus reducing its carried function), the results are then summed together. """ # TODO: Add reference to Pix2Pix Loss in the losses.gans
[docs] def __init__(self, executors) -> None: """ Initialize the SumExecutor. Args: executors (:py:obj:`list` of [:py:class:`ashpy.executors.Executor`]): Array of :py:obj:`ashpy.executors.Executor` to sum evaluate and sum together. Returns: :py:obj:`None` """ super().__init__() self._executors = executors self._global_batch_size = 1
@property def executors(self) -> List[Executor]: """Return the List of Executors.""" return self._executors @Executor.global_batch_size.setter # pylint: disable=no-member def global_batch_size(self, global_batch_size: int) -> None: """Set global batch size property.""" assert global_batch_size > 0 self._global_batch_size = global_batch_size for executor in self._executors: executor.global_batch_size = global_batch_size
[docs] def call(self, *args, **kwargs) -> tf.Tensor: """ Evaluate and sum together the Executors. Returns: :py:classes:`tf.Tensor`: Output Tensor. """ result = tf.add_n([executor(*args, **kwargs) for executor in self._executors]) return result
def __add__(self, other: Union[SumExecutor, Executor]): """Concatenate Executors together into a SumExecutor.""" if isinstance(other, SumExecutor): executors = other.executors else: executors = [other] all_executors = self.executors + executors return SumExecutor(all_executors)