Source code for ashpy.metrics.sliced_wasserstein_metric

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Sliced Wasserstein Distance metric.
from __future__ import annotations

import operator
import os
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Union

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from ashpy import LogEvalMode
from ashpy.metrics import Metric
from ashpy.metrics.sliced_wasserstein import sliced_wasserstein_distance

    from ashpy.contexts import GANContext  # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports

[docs]class SingleSWD(Metric): """ SlicedWassersteinDistance for a certain level of the pyramid. """
[docs] def __init__( self, model_selection_operator: Callable =, logdir: str = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "log"), level_of_pyramid: int = 0, real_or_fake: str = "fake", ) -> None: """ Initialize the Metric. Args: model_selection_operator (:py:obj:`typing.Callable`): The operation that will be used when `model_selection` is triggered to compare the metrics, used by the `update_state`. Any :py:obj:`typing.Callable` behaving like an :py:mod:`operator` is accepted. .. note:: Model selection is done ONLY if an operator is specified here. logdir (str): Path to the log dir, defaults to a `log` folder in the current directory. level_of_pyramid (int): Level of the pyramid related to this metric real_or_fake (str): string identifying this metric (real or fake distance) """ super().__init__( name=f"SWD_{level_of_pyramid}_{real_or_fake}", metric=tf.metrics.Mean( name=f"SWD_{level_of_pyramid}_{real_or_fake}", dtype=tf.float32 ), model_selection_operator=model_selection_operator, logdir=logdir, )
[docs] def update_state(self, context: GANContext, score: Union[float, tf.Tensor]) -> None: """ Update the internal state of the metric, using the information from the context object. Args: context (:py:class:`ashpy.contexts.GANContext`): An AshPy Context Object that carries all the information the Metric needs. """ updater = lambda value: lambda: self._metric.update_state(value) self._distribute_strategy.experimental_run_v2(updater(score))
[docs]class SlicedWassersteinDistance(Metric): r""" Sliced Wasserstein Distance. Used as metric in Progressive Growing of GANs [1]_. .. [1] Progressive Growing of GANs """
[docs] def __init__( self, model_selection_operator: Callable =, logdir: str = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "log"), resolution: int = 128, resolution_min: int = 16, patches_per_image: int = 64, patch_size: int = 7, random_sampling_count: int = 1, random_projection_dim: int = 7 * 7 * 3, use_svd: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Initialize the Metric. Args: model_selection_operator (:py:obj:`typing.Callable`): The operation that will be used when `model_selection` is triggered to compare the metrics, used by the `update_state`. Any :py:obj:`typing.Callable` behaving like an :py:mod:`operator` is accepted. .. note:: Model selection is done ONLY if an operator is specified here. logdir (str): Path to the log dir, defaults to a `log` folder in the current directory. resolution (int): Image Resolution, defaults to 128 resolution_min (int): Min Resolution achieved by the metric patches_per_image (int): Number of patches to extract per image per Laplacian level. patch_size (int): Width of a square patch. random_sampling_count (int): Number of random projections to average. random_projection_dim (int): Dimension of the random projection space. use_svd (bool): experimental method to compute a more accurate distance. """ super().__init__( name="SWD", metric=tf.metrics.Mean(name="SWD", dtype=tf.float32), model_selection_operator=model_selection_operator, logdir=logdir, ) if resolution <= resolution_min: raise ValueError("Minimum resolution cannot be smaller than the resolution") self.resolution = resolution self.resolution_min = resolution_min self.patches_per_image = patches_per_image self.patch_size = patch_size self.random_sampling_count = random_sampling_count self.random_projection_dim = random_projection_dim self.use_svd = use_svd self.children_real_fake = [ ( SingleSWD(model_selection_operator, logdir, 2 ** i, "real"), SingleSWD(model_selection_operator, logdir, 2 ** i, "fake"), ) for i in range( int(np.log2(resolution)), int(np.log2(resolution_min)) - 1, -1 ) ]
[docs] def update_state(self, context: GANContext) -> None: """ Update the internal state of the metric, using the information from the context object. Args: context (:py:class:`ashpy.contexts.GANContext`): An AshPy Context Object that carries all the information the Metric needs. """ updater = lambda value: lambda: self._metric.update_state(value) for real_xy, noise in context.dataset: real_x, real_y = real_xy g_inputs = noise if len(context.generator_model.inputs) == 2: g_inputs = [noise, real_y] fake = context.generator_model( g_inputs, training=context.log_eval_mode == LogEvalMode.TRAIN ) # check the resolution is the same as the one passed as input resolution = real_x.shape[1] if resolution != self.resolution: raise ValueError( "Image resolution is not the same as the input resolution." ) scores = sliced_wasserstein_distance( real_x, fake, resolution_min=self.resolution_min, patches_per_image=self.patches_per_image, use_svd=self.use_svd, patch_size=self.patch_size, random_projection_dim=self.random_projection_dim, random_sampling_count=self.random_sampling_count, ) fake_scores = [] for i, couple in enumerate(scores): self.children_real_fake[i][0].update_state(context, couple[0]) self.children_real_fake[i][1].update_state(context, couple[1]) fake_scores.append(tf.expand_dims(couple[1], axis=0)) fake_scores = tf.concat(fake_scores, axis=0) self._distribute_strategy.experimental_run_v2(updater(fake_scores))
[docs] def model_selection( self, checkpoint: tf.train.Checkpoint, global_step: tf.Variable ) -> None: """ Perform model selection for each sub-metric """ super().model_selection(checkpoint, global_step) for child in self.children_real_fake: child[0].model_selection(checkpoint, global_step) child[1].model_selection(checkpoint, global_step)
[docs] def log(self, step): """ Log the SWD mean and each sub-metric """ # log mean tf.summary.scalar(, self.result(), step=step) # call log method of each child for child in self.children_real_fake: child[0].log(step) child[1].log(step)
[docs] def reset_states(self) -> None: """Reset the state of the metric and the state of each child metric.""" self._metric.reset_states() # for each child log for child in self.children_real_fake: child[0].reset_states() child[1].reset_states()