Source code for ashpy.models.convolutional.autoencoders

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"""Collection of Fully Convolutional Autoencoders"""
from tensorflow import keras  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module

from ashpy.models.convolutional.decoders import BaseDecoder, FCNNBaseDecoder
from ashpy.models.convolutional.encoders import BaseEncoder, FCNNBaseEncoder

__ALL__ = ["BaseAutoencoder", "FCNNBaseAutoencoder"]

[docs]class BaseAutoencoder(keras.Model): # pylint: disable=no-member """ Primitive Model for all convolutional autoencoders. Examples: * Direct Usage: .. testcode:: autoencoder = BaseAutoencoder( layer_spec_input_res=(64, 64), layer_spec_target_res=(8, 8), kernel_size=5, initial_filters=32, filters_cap=128, encoding_dimension=100, channels=3, ) encoding, reconstruction = autoencoder(tf.zeros((1, 64, 64, 3))) print(encoding.shape) print(reconstruction.shape) .. testoutput:: (1, 100) (1, 64, 64, 3) """
[docs] def __init__( self, layer_spec_input_res, layer_spec_target_res, kernel_size, initial_filters, filters_cap, encoding_dimension, channels, ): """ Instantiate the :py:class:`BaseAutoEncoder`. Args: layer_spec_input_res (:obj:`tuple` of (:obj:`int`, :obj:`int`)): Shape of the input tensors. layer_spec_target_res: (:obj:`tuple` of (:obj:`int`, :obj:`int`)): Shape of tensor desired as output of :func:`_get_layer_spec`. kernel_size (int): Kernel used by the convolution layers. initial_filters (int): Numbers of filters to used as a base value. filters_cap (int): Cap filters to a set amount, in the case of an Encoder is a ceil value AKA the max amount of filters. encoding_dimension (int): encoding dimension. channels (int): Number of channels for the reconstructed image. Returns: :py:obj:`None` """ super().__init__() self._encoder = BaseEncoder( layer_spec_input_res, layer_spec_target_res, kernel_size, initial_filters, filters_cap, encoding_dimension, ) self._decoder = BaseDecoder( layer_spec_target_res, layer_spec_input_res, kernel_size, filters_cap, initial_filters, channels, )
[docs] def call(self, inputs, training=True): """ Execute the model on input data. Args: inputs (:py:class:`tf.Tensor`): Input tensors. training (:obj:`bool`): Training flag. Returns: (encoding, reconstruction): Pair of tensors. """ encoding = self._encoder(inputs, training) reconstruction = self._decoder(encoding, training) return encoding, reconstruction
[docs]class FCNNBaseAutoencoder(keras.Model): # pylint: disable=no-member """ Primitive Model for all fully convolutional autoencoders. Examples: * Direct Usage: .. testcode:: autoencoder = FCNNBaseAutoencoder( layer_spec_input_res=(64, 64), layer_spec_target_res=(8, 8), kernel_size=5, initial_filters=32, filters_cap=128, encoding_dimension=100, channels=3, ) encoding, reconstruction = autoencoder(tf.zeros((1, 64, 64, 3))) print(encoding.shape) print(reconstruction.shape) .. testoutput:: (1, 1, 1, 100) (1, 64, 64, 3) """
[docs] def __init__( self, layer_spec_input_res, layer_spec_target_res, kernel_size, initial_filters, filters_cap, encoding_dimension, channels, ): """ Instantiate the :py:class:`FCNNBaseAutoEncoder`. Args: layer_spec_input_res (:obj:`tuple` of (:obj:`int`, :obj:`int`)): Shape of the input tensors. layer_spec_target_res: (:obj:`tuple` of (:obj:`int`, :obj:`int`)): Shape of tensor desired as output of :func:`_get_layer_spec`. kernel_size (int): Kernel used by the convolution layers. initial_filters (int): Numbers of filters to used as a base value. filters_cap (int): Cap filters to a set amount, in the case of an Encoder is a ceil value AKA the max amount of filters. encoding_dimension (int): encoding dimension. channels (int): Number of channels for the reconstructed image. Returns: :py:obj:`None` """ super().__init__() self._encoder = FCNNBaseEncoder( layer_spec_input_res, layer_spec_target_res, kernel_size, initial_filters, filters_cap, encoding_dimension, ) self._decoder = FCNNBaseDecoder( layer_spec_target_res, layer_spec_input_res, kernel_size, filters_cap, initial_filters, channels, )
[docs] def call(self, inputs, training=True): """ Execute the model on input data. Args: inputs (:py:class:`tf.Tensor`): Input tensors. training (:obj:`bool`): Training flag. Returns: (encoding, reconstruction): Pair of tensors. """ encoding = self._encoder(inputs, training) reconstruction = self._decoder(encoding, training) return encoding, reconstruction