Source code for ashpy.trainers.base_trainer

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"""Primitive Trainer Interface."""

import os
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import tensorflow as tf

from ashpy.losses.executor import Executor
from ashpy.modes import LogEvalMode

[docs]class BaseTrainer(ABC): r""":py:class:`BaseTrainer` provide an interface for all trainers to inherit from."""
[docs] def __init__( self, epochs, logdir=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "log"), log_eval_mode=LogEvalMode.TEST, global_step=tf.Variable(0, name="global_step", trainable=False, dtype=tf.int64), post_process_callback=None, ): r""" Primitive trainer interface. Handles model saving and restore. Args: epochs (int): Number of training epochs. logdir (str): Checkpoint and log directory. log_eval_mode: models' mode to use when evaluating and logging. global_step: tf.Variable that keeps track of the training steps. post_process_callback: the function to postprocess the model output, if needed. """ self._distribute_strategy = tf.distribute.get_strategy() self._post_process_callback = post_process_callback self._epochs = epochs self._global_step = global_step self._steps_per_epoch = tf.Variable( -1, name="steps_per_epoch", trainable=False, dtype=tf.int64 ) self._ckpt = tf.train.Checkpoint() self._ckpt.objects = [] self._ckpt.objects.extend([self._global_step, self._steps_per_epoch]) self._logdir = logdir self._manager = tf.train.CheckpointManager( self._ckpt, os.path.join(self._logdir, "ckpts"), max_to_keep=3 ) self._metrics = [] self._train_summary_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer( os.path.join(self._logdir, "train") ) self._eval_summary_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer( os.path.join(self._logdir, "eval") ) self._test_summary_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer( os.path.join(self._logdir, "test") ) # Initialize the global batch size to a negative number # This is used when a distribution strategy changes the batch size self._global_batch_size = -1.0 self._log_eval_mode = log_eval_mode
[docs] def _log(self, name, out): """ Log the out tensor using name as its name in tensorboard. Args: name: summary name. out: the tensor to log. """ rank = tf.rank(out) step = self._global_step # handle post post_process_callback if self._post_process_callback: out = self._post_process_callback(out) # log if tf.equal(rank, 4): # tensorboard 2.0 does not support float images in [-1, 1] # only in [0,1] if self._post_process_callback is None and out.dtype == tf.float32: # TODO: the hypothesis is that image are in [-1,1] how to check? out = (out + 1.0) / 2 tf.summary.image( name, out, max_outputs=tf.math.minimum(tf.shape(out)[0], 16), step=step ) if tf.equal(rank, 2): tf.summary.histogram(name, out, step=step)
[docs] def _update_global_batch_size(self, dataset, executors=None): """Given a dataset and the current distribution strategy sets the self._global_batch_size variable where needed. Args: dataset: a dataset from wich the batch size will be extracted. executors: a list of executor with the property "global_batch_size" settable. """ sample = next(iter(dataset.take(1))) if isinstance(sample, tuple): if isinstance(sample[0], tuple): sample = sample[0] batch_size_per_replica = sample[0].shape[0] elif isinstance(sample, tf.Tensor): batch_size_per_replica = sample.shape[0] else: raise ValueError("Unable to extract the batch size from the dataset") self._global_batch_size = ( self._distribute_strategy.num_replicas_in_sync * batch_size_per_replica ) if executors: if isinstance(executors, list): for executor in executors: executor.global_batch_size = self._global_batch_size if isinstance(executors, Executor): executors.global_batch_size = self._global_batch_size
[docs] def _reduce(self, per_replica_tensor, reduce_op): """Given the input tensor, reduces it in a distributed fashion, using the specified op.""" context = tf.distribute.get_replica_context() if context: return context.all_reduce(reduce_op, per_replica_tensor) return self._distribute_strategy.reduce( reduce_op, per_replica_tensor, axis=None )
[docs] def _restore_or_init(self): """Restores or initializes the persistence layer (checkpoint).""" if self._manager.latest_checkpoint: self._ckpt.restore(self._manager.latest_checkpoint) print(f"Restored checkpoint {self._manager.latest_checkpoint}.") else: print("Initializing checkpoint.")
[docs] def _save(self): """Save the current checkpointable object status.""" ckpt = # print is captured from pydoc - deterministic output can be used # to run tests. print(f"[{self._global_step.numpy()}] Saved checkpoint: {ckpt}")
[docs] def _current_epoch(self): """ Get the current epoch using the (restored) variables. Returns: current_epoch (int) """ current_epoch = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int64) if tf.math.greater(self._steps_per_epoch, tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int64)): current_epoch = tf.cast( tf.math.floor(self._global_step / self._steps_per_epoch), tf.int64 ) return current_epoch
[docs] def _epoch_completed(self, epoch): """ Handle the end of the training epoch. Args: epoch (int): the just completed training epoch. """ if tf.math.less(self._steps_per_epoch, 0): # only the first time, save the number of steps per epoch self._steps_per_epoch.assign(self._global_step) self._save() print(f"Epoch {epoch} completed.")
def _log_metrics_and_reset(self): step = self._global_step.numpy() for metric_obj in self._metrics: metric_obj.log(step=step) metric_obj.reset_states() def _dataset_from_example(self, example, dims): columns = [] for idx, dim in enumerate(dims): if dim > 1: columns.append( tuple( tf.concat( self._distribute_strategy.experimental_local_results( example[idx][inner] ), axis=0, ) for inner in range(dim) ) ) else: columns.append( tf.concat( self._distribute_strategy.experimental_local_results( example[idx] ), axis=0, ) ) return
[docs] @abstractmethod def call(self, dataset: """ Execute the training process. Iterate over the elements of a :py:class:``. The dataset must contain everything needed to train the model. Args: dataset: A :py:class:`` to loop on to train the model. """
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Invoke the trainer."""*args, **kwargs)