Source code for ashpy.callbacks.save_callback

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"""Save weights callback."""
import os
import shutil
from collections import deque
from enum import Enum, Flag, auto
from typing import List

import tensorflow as tf
from ashpy.callbacks import CounterCallback, Event

[docs]class SaveSubFormat(Enum): """Save Sub-Format enum.""" TF = "tf" #: TensorFlow format H5 = "h5" #: H5 Format
[docs]class SaveFormat(Flag): """Save Format enum.""" WEIGHTS = auto() #: Weights format, saved using `model.save_weights()` MODEL = ( auto() ) #: Model format (weights and architecture), saved using ``
[docs] def name(self) -> str: """Name of the format.""" if self == SaveFormat.WEIGHTS: return "weights" if self == SaveFormat.MODEL: return "saved-model" return "saved-model-and-weights"
@staticmethod def _initialize_dirs(save_dir, save_format, save_sub_format): """Initialize the directory for this save_format and sub-format.""" save_dir = os.path.join(save_dir, if not os.path.exists(save_dir): os.makedirs(save_dir) save_dir = ( save_dir if save_sub_format == SaveSubFormat.TF else os.path.join(save_dir, ) return save_dir
[docs] def save( self, model: tf.keras.models.Model, save_dir: str, save_sub_format: SaveSubFormat = SaveSubFormat.TF, ) -> None: """ Save the model using the correct format and sub-format. Args: model (:py:class:`tf.keras.models.Model`): model to Save. save_dir (str): path of the file in which to save the model. save_sub_format (:py:class:`ashpy.callbacks.save_callback.SaveSubFormat`): sub-format of the save operation. """ if SaveFormat.WEIGHTS & self: save_dir = self._initialize_dirs( save_dir, SaveFormat.WEIGHTS, save_sub_format ) model.save_weights(save_dir, save_format=save_sub_format.value) if SaveFormat.MODEL & self: save_dir = self._initialize_dirs( save_dir, SaveFormat.MODEL, save_sub_format ), save_format=save_sub_format.value) if not (SaveFormat.MODEL & self) | (SaveFormat.WEIGHTS & self): raise NotImplementedError( "No implementation of `save` method for the current SaveFormat" )
[docs]class SaveCallback(CounterCallback): """ Save Callback implementation. Examples: .. testcode:: import shutil import operator import os generator = models.gans.ConvGenerator( layer_spec_input_res=(7, 7), layer_spec_target_res=(28, 28), kernel_size=(5, 5), initial_filters=32, filters_cap=16, channels=1, ) discriminator = models.gans.ConvDiscriminator( layer_spec_input_res=(28, 28), layer_spec_target_res=(7, 7), kernel_size=(5, 5), initial_filters=16, filters_cap=32, output_shape=1, ) models = [generator, discriminator] save_callback = callbacks.SaveCallback(save_dir="testlog/savedir", models=models, save_format=callbacks.SaveFormat.WEIGHTS, save_sub_format=callbacks.SaveSubFormat.TF) # initialize trainer passing the save_callback """
[docs] def __init__( self, save_dir: str, models: List[tf.keras.models.Model], event: Event = Event.ON_EPOCH_END, event_freq: int = 1, max_to_keep: int = 1, save_format: SaveFormat = SaveFormat.WEIGHTS | SaveFormat.MODEL, save_sub_format: SaveSubFormat = SaveSubFormat.TF, verbose: int = 0, name: str = "SaveCallback", ): """ Build a Save Callback. Save Callbacks are used to save the model on events. You can specify two different save formats: weights and model. At the same time you can specify two different save sub-formats: tf or h5. You will find the model saved in the save_dir under the directory weights or model. Args: save_dir (str): directory in which to save the weights or the model. models (List[:py:class:`tf.keras.models.Model`]): list of models to save. event (:py:class:``): events on which to trigger the saving operation. event_freq (int): frequency of saving operation. name (str): name of the callback. verbose (int): verbosity of the callback (0 or 1). max_to_keep (int): maximum files to keep. If max_to_keep == 1 only the most recent file is kept. In general `max_to_keep` files are kept. save_format (:py:class:`ashpy.callbacks.save_callback.SaveFormat`): weights or model. save_sub_format (:py:class:`ashpy.callbacks.save_callback.SaveSubFormat`): sub-format of the saving (tf or h5). """ super(SaveCallback, self).__init__( event, self.save_weights_fn, name, event_freq ) self._save_dir = save_dir self._models = models self._verbose = verbose self._max_to_keep = max_to_keep if not isinstance(save_format, SaveFormat): raise TypeError("Use the SaveFormat enum!") self._save_format = save_format if not isinstance(save_sub_format, SaveSubFormat): raise TypeError("Use the SaveSubFormat enum!") self._save_sub_format = save_sub_format self._counter = 0 self._save_path_histories = [deque() for _ in self._models] self._check_compatibility()
def _check_compatibility(self): if ( self._save_sub_format == SaveSubFormat.H5 and self._save_format == SaveFormat.MODEL ): for model in self._models: if ( not model._is_graph_network # pylint:disable=protected-access and not isinstance(model, tf.keras.models.Sequential) ): raise NotImplementedError( "Saving the model to HDF5 format requires the model to be a " "Functional model or a Sequential model. It does not work for " "subclassed models, because such models are defined via the body of " "a Python method, which isn't safely serializable. Consider saving " "to the Tensorflow SavedModel format " "(by setting save_sub_format=SaveSubFormat.TF) " "or using save_format=SaveFormat.WEIGHTS." )
[docs] def _cleanup(self): """Cleanup stuff.""" while self._counter > self._max_to_keep: for save_path_history in self._save_path_histories: if len(save_path_history) >= self._max_to_keep: # Get the first element of the queue save_dir_to_remove = save_path_history.popleft() if self._verbose: print(f"{self._name}: Removing {save_dir_to_remove} from disk.") # Remove directory shutil.rmtree(save_dir_to_remove, ignore_errors=True) # Decrease counter self._counter -= 1
[docs] def _save_weights_fn(self, step: int): """ Save weights. Args: step (int): current step. """ for i, model in enumerate(self._models): if self._verbose: print( f"{self._name}: {self._event.value} {self._event_counter.numpy()} - " f"Saving model {i} to {self._save_dir} using format {} " f"and sub-format {self._save_sub_format.value}." ) # Create the correct directory name save_dir_i = os.path.join(self._save_dir, f"model-{i}-step-{step}") if not os.path.exists(save_dir_i): os.makedirs(save_dir_i) # Add to the history self._save_path_histories[i].append(save_dir_i) # Save using the save_format model=model, save_dir=save_dir_i, save_sub_format=self._save_sub_format ) # Increase the counter of saved files self._counter += 1
[docs] def save_weights_fn(self, context): """Save weights and clean up if needed.""" # Save weights phase self._save_weights_fn(context.global_step.numpy()) # Clean up phase self._cleanup()